VPS comparison

Software list which can be installed by 1 click

You can install software easily if you use “1 click installation” function of VPS, which will help users who doesn’t have much knowledge about infrastructure. Considering management after installation, installing by yourself can be benefit later, so you should decide whether you will use this function or not based on pros and cons. Anyway, if you just want to try the software, easy installation provided by VPS will be useful. Here is the list of software which are provided by VPS’s easy installation. What OS is used for the software depends on each VPS but usually you cannot choose OS and have to accept specific OS, which cannot be avoidable…

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VPS comparison

Comparison of VPS’s cloud functions

List of cloud functions of VPS VPS is also increasing cloud functions, so it is also important to recognize cloud functions provided by each VPS company. You can see cloud functions’ list here. For the item which you cannot understand, please see here. Explanation of functions 1 Click install You can install application like WordPress just 1 click. API You can manipulate services through API. What you can depend on what VPS service is providing as service which is available through API. Backup You can take backup. Dbaas You can make use of Database As A Service, which means that you don’t have to manage database by yourself though it…

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VPS comparison

Comparison of external disk(Block storage/File storage) of VPS

What is an external disk The external disk is a disk outside the server, and you can increase the disk capacity by accessing it from the server. There is a difference whether it is Block Storage or File Storage, but by mounting it, you can deal it like a local file. It will be used as an additional disk attached (added) to the server. In some cases, the OS itself is placed on an external disk, in which case the disk speed of the main unit and the speed of the external disk are almost unchanged. Since it is connected via a network, it is usually slower than a locally…

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