Linode’s features, plan with price & benchmark result

News of Linode

2022/8/8 Updated all benchmark result of Linode[Detail]
2022/05/06 DBaaS of Linode becomes generally available.
2022/02/16 Akamai bought Linode, which will strengthen coverage of service&captial
2022/1/21 Linode started offering NVMe for block storage, so I updated benchmark of Block storage comparison
2022/1/13 Linode started offering DbaaS(MySQL/PostgreSQL/Redist/MongoDB) as beta version
2022/1/8 CUP info is updated due to change of DigitalOcean[Detail]’s Basic Regular CPU & Linode

Official information

  1. Official site
  2. Official blog
  3. Official twitter

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If the coupon code becomes unavailable, please try “DOCS10” which will give you free $10 coupon.

Features of Linode

Linode is one of the big VPS which is satisfying cloud hosting’s principals.

  1. Elasticity: You can dispose the server after creation of the server any time without losing money in vain
  2. Redundancy: You can keep serving the service even if 1 of the server goes down(LAN&LB are necessary)
  3. Extendable: You can scale up the server with data

Maximum amount of CPU and memory is relatively higher than others.
Biggest feature is free DDoS protection which is available in data centers.

Linode is enhancing its cloud function and now it is offering managed Kubernets(k8s) service which helps you to construct big system.

Plan and price of Linode


Nanode & Standard

Dedicated CPU

High Memory

GPU Plan

RTX6000 GPU x1 is used on 06/May/2022.
Whether you use this one or not depends on location of data center.

Load Balancer

Max concurrent connection is 10,000.
$10 will be charged.


Shared plan has much cheaper plan but if you choose same spec, the price is not so different between shared and dedicated plans.

Functions of Linode

Is your provided CPU good one or bad one?

There is performance difference among CPU.
You can check whether it is good one or bad one by checking CPU information.
If you get bad one, it may be better for you to destroy it and create new instance again.

When new CPU becomes available, you should consider to renew instance by taking snapshot of current instance and recreate new instance until you get best CPU.

CPU information for Linode is available at
CPU list of VPS

Benchmark result of Linode

VPS News
2024/05/14, DigitalOcean [Detail] added benchmark data for the newly added Premium Intel version with memory optimization and storage optimization
2024/05/12 Updated the benchmark and information for the new 64GB memory type instance, and updated the explanation and benchmarks for Amazon Lightsail
2023/12/16 Benchmark was added for free server of Vultr[Detail]